Oakland Athletics vs. New York Mets: The Longest Game in the Pitch-Clock Era

In a dramatic evening matchup, the Oakland Athletics edged out the New York Mets with a 7-6 victory, setting a record in the process. This game will be remembered not just for its nail-biting finish but for its place in history as the longest game in the pitch-clock era, which curiously enough, excludes extra innings and playoffs.

Historic Duration

Clocking in at an exhausting three hours and 45 minutes, the Athletics-Mets game outstretched the previous pitch-clock era record by a single minute. The former record was held by a Padres-Giants game in Mexico City, which lasted three hours and 44 minutes. The Padres had defeated the Giants 16-11 in that encounter, which featured a staggering 30 combined hits, including 11 home runs.

By comparison, the Athletics and Mets put up a spirited performance with a combined 13 runs on 21 hits and 16 walks. The extended duration of the game brought about a collective sentiment among spectators, summed up succinctly as, "Man, this feels really long."

High Stakes From the Start

The tone for this historic game was set early on, with the Athletics loading the bases in the first, third, fourth, and seventh innings. Each inning piled on the tension and anticipation, and despite multiple opportunities, they left nine runners stranded. However, their persistence paid off in the end with the narrow one-run victory.

On the other side, the Mets managed to load the bases in the third inning but left five runners stranded over the course of the game. Both teams had their fair share of missed opportunities, with the Athletics managing 14 at-bats with runners in scoring position, compared to the Mets' 11.

Comparing Averages

This game was a clear outlier in the current baseball landscape. The average nine-inning game this season has been considerably shorter, clocking in at just two hours and 36 minutes. This makes the 225 minutes (three hours and 45 minutes) it took to resolve this face-off significantly longer than the season's average of 156 minutes (two hours and 36 minutes).


While the Athletics' 7-6 win over the Mets might be remembered for the final score, it will also be noted for the sheer length and endurance required by both players and fans. This game tested the mettle of everyone involved and, in doing so, etched its way into the record books as a marathon match in the pitch-clock era.